Feeling motivated to make some lifetime health changes? NOW is always a good time! Create strategies that get results. Here are a few tips assist you in successful change!

  1. INTERNET RELIABILITY. Be cautious when researching online. Check for recent publication dates, credentials of the author, contact information. Do the recommendations sound generalized, “too good to be true”, a “cure-all”. Is the supporting research non-biased? Keep in mind that if your looking for information that supports your preexisting beliefs, you may end up misinformed.
  2. TIMING MATTERS. For example; If you want add exercise do this prior to making nutritional changes. Modify you activity goals first. If you do this at the same time as diet modifications, you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Exercise will likely increase your appetite at first, so cutting back at the same time can be a set up for failure.
  3. ONE THING AT A TIME. Think you need supplements, many of us do….add them one at a time. You may experience sensitivity to certain supplements or their additives. Adding supplements one at a time will help you be clear on the source should any problems occur. It will also help you determine if you are experiencing the desired effect from the individual supplement.
  4. NOT FOR EVERYONE. Supplements. Use caution, you may want to consult with a professional. Not all supplements are the same, know their quality, purity, dosing and any potential unwanted side effects, interactions with medications or interactions with other supplements.

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